Create in me a clean heart, O Lord!

In Prayer, Prepare for a Holy Week

Monday, November 17, 2008

For Creation Waits...

For creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the children of God;...

These are the words of the apostle Paul in a letter to the Christians, to the many house churches, in Rome. Over the last six weeks I have found myself continully drawn to visit and revisit these words for comfort, encouragement, purpose, and even celebration. They are hope-full words.

It has been and is a joyous wonder to see the children of God revealed in so many places and in so many ways. This week, the incredible outpouring of kindness and love for the families of Shanna and Madisyn is evidence of God's presence in and through a community. It is a wonderful thing to be able to walk through this community and indeed see the faces of the revealed children of God - in the faces of police and firefighters; doctors, nurses and hospital staff; school administrators, teachers and staff; clergy and congregations; businesses and organizations; neighbors and strangers.

On Sunday, at First Christian Church, it was wonderful to see so many of our children and youth gather at the front to greet worshippers as we went out to "love and serve the Lord." They have been much on our minds and in our hearts.

God's healing continues. "Hope grows where love flows." We give thanks to God for the love that flows through this community as hope grows in the faces of the revealed children of God.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Fellowship in an Unfinished House

Two weeks ago the Hustler's Class met at our home. As each car arrived and pulled up the drive, it was a little like getting much anticipated visitors all over again. There was something joyful about it.

Marti Wiebers offered a devotion that invited each person present to recall events in their own lives. Many gave illustrations of being cared for.

Margaret and Nancy Gambill, Dennis Higgins and I narrated a series of pictures taken during the mission trip to Iowa. There were illustrations of caring.

As over twenty persons were gathered in the small area of living and dining room, I was very conscious of our house being unfinished. It has been and will continue to be "a work in progress." But that is where we met - where we rejoiced in gathering, in caring, and in being cared for.

That seems to be one description of the church - a place of rejoicing, caring and being cared for in an unfinished house. God has much more in store for us - being the unfinished houses we are.