Create in me a clean heart, O Lord!

In Prayer, Prepare for a Holy Week

Friday, September 12, 2008

How Many Times?

This Sunday the sermon topic will be forgiveness. Not a unique topic for a gathering of disciples, of followers of Jesus Christ. However, it is one of those topics that catches the attention of nearly everyone.

Most everyone who gathers for worship will have, at some point in their life, experienced the need for forgiveness or be in need of extending forgiveness. We know forgiveness leads to healing, sometimes it may be the only way. The disciple asked Jesus, "How often should I forgive? Seven times? Jesus responded, "Seventy times seven." Don't do the math. That isn't the point. Miroslav Volf wrote, "No line can be drawn between those who should be forgiven and because they sin only rarely and those who shouldn't because they sin repeatedly. There are no unforgiveable people...The scandalousness of God's indiscriminate forgiveness hits us even harder when we are called to imitate it."

It is too easy to simply say you should forgive those who have sinned against you. To live into it together will require a community of persons seeking God's holy face in the world.

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