Create in me a clean heart, O Lord!

In Prayer, Prepare for a Holy Week

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Two new stained glass images offer hospitality to those who enter the church building at the front entrance. They also serve as a reminder to the congregation as we leave worship and go out into the world to be the church. These works of art were possible because of the generosity of families and friends who remembered the congregation's ministry through the Memorial Fund.

Each of the images are a witness to a foundational belief of the congregation. On the west side of the entrance is an image of the loves and fish recalling the "feeding of the 5,000" found in each of the gospels. The basket of bread and brilliant blue fish are a testimony to "God's enough" among us. We remember that Jesus received the bread and fish, blessed them, broke them and shared them. There was enough for all - with some left over.

God has provided enough for our ministry here in Gibson City, across the surrounding area, throughout our nation and around the world.

The version of the "feeding of the 5,000" in Mark 6 is my favorite. I like the part in which Jesus turns to his disciples who have just questioned where they will find enough food for everyone. Jesus says, "Go and see." Go and see what God has done and is doing, has and is providing.

Mother Teresa said, "If you can't feed one hundred people, then feed one."

Where have you experienced God's abundance at and through First Christian Church?

1 comment:

melanie warfield said...

God's abundance is so clear in the collection of small coins that will provide a well and clean drinking water to people in a distant land. Thanks to our youth for inspiring us to see the potential of gathering small items and collectively making a difference in the lives of others.
Melanie Warfield